20 Pieces of Dreams, group show

20 Pieces of Dreams, group show at GR2!

opening this saturday is this amazing show that i'm so sad to be missing out on (for not being there),
celebrating young Sena's 20th birthday (curated by her awesome mom!)

Mari gathered 11 of her friends, along with herself and Sena, to round up a group show consisting of
20 works total (one each from all the friends, and 9 from mother & daughter).
what a really amazing way to celebrate a daughter's birthday!!

and here's my piece for the show : 
Crescere. 11.75" x 11.5" . Acrylic & Colored Pencil on Hand-cut Wood. © 2012.

i know i have yet to upload the last show's batch of works (i just have to edit them first),
but here is my last piece of the year!
i made this piece at the same time i did the wood cut works for that show, though just finished recently for this one.
it was fun to use the negative space/shape and work in delicate shapes for once...
and inspired me to make some textile works (in the future, still in the works).

the title Crescere is a latin word meaning to grow - i remember being 20 and feeling like anything is
possible, with the whole future wide ahead of me. i hope Sena's 20s will be even more growing and fulfilling for her!

hope you get to go to this awesome party of a show, and enjoy all the fun works in an intimate setting of GR2! :)