Happy Holidays!!

we had our first snow storm on saturday, it was so nice to see real snow finally!
but now that the fluff and wonder of the first day have passed,
i am itching to bike outside instead of walking everywhere.

bento is looking out through the snow mounds on the window.
(i made a hole for a lookout as the snow fall was beyond their height).

and for some visual treat for the holidays,
look what i found in this wonderful neighborhood of ours :

yes that's right, it's a liquor store window decor, (click pics to enlarge)
consisting of vodka in machine gun bottle (with a grenade bottle!)
and whiskey in a cane with a sheath, no less!!
that makes the shoe shaped bottles look quite extraneous and trivial almost.

although i'll be painting away in my cold studio,
hope you all have warm, fuzzy, cozy holidays!
